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Результати 391-400 зі 6148.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2020Software and hardware of computer intellectual control for mobile robot manipulatorRomanenko, V. A.; Krivoulya, G. F.
2018Concentrated charge blasting in iron ore mining at kryvyi rih iron ore basinМоrgun, А.; Chukharev, Serhii
2017Control of thermal treatment in roasting iron-ore pellets considering their physical and chemical propertiesLobova, Karina; Lobov, Viacheslav; Лобов, В'ячеслав Йосипович; Лобов, Вячеслав Иосифович; Kirlash, M. P.
2018Innovative Development of Resource-Saving Technologies of Mineral Mining and ProcessingR. Moraru (chief ed.); V. Kalinichenko (chief ed.); S. Chukharev (deputy chief ed.)
2019Innovative Development of Resource-Saving Technologies of Mineral Mining and ProcessingR. Moraru (chief ed.); V. Kalinichenko (chief ed.); S. Chukharev (deputy chief ed.)
2017Peculiarities of technical translation specializing in mineral processingSkliar, Anna; Lukash, O. Yu.
2017Foreign languages as means of a competitive specialist’ succesful careerTyshchenko, Vitalina; Тішенко, Віталіна Юріївна; Тишенко, Виталина Юрьевна
2017Безперервна освіта: суть і значення у формуванні інноваційної економікиКравченко, Н. В.; Кірлаш, М. П.
2017Foreign language as a means of building a competitive specialist’s successful careerOtverchenko, Vitalii; Lukash, O. Yu.
2020-02-09Use of simulators together with virtual and augmented reality in the system of welders’ vocational training: past, present, and futureLavrentieva, Olena; Arkhypov, Ihor; Kuchma, Olexander; Uchitel, Aleksandr