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Результати 2581-2590 зі 6229.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2021-03-19The peculiarities of the usage of AR technologies in the process of hardiness of future professionalsOsadchyi, V; Varina, H; Falko, N; Osadcha, K; Katkova, T
2021-06-18Development of the online course for training master students majoring in mathematicsVlasenko, K V; Lovianova, I V; Rovenska, O G; Armash, T S; Achkan, V V
2021-03-19Theoretical and methodological bases of designing the educational institution information and consulting environmentLavrentieva, O; Horbatiuk, R; Skripnik, L; Kuchma, O; Penia, V; Pahuta, M
2021-03-19Research of professional responsibility of students of technical specialities by means of information and communication technologiesMeshko, H M; Habrusieva, N V; Kryskov, A A
2021-03-19Method for assessing the information content of factors forming the cognitive independence of studentsLavrov, E; Logvinenko, V; Siryk, O; Kyzenko, V
2021-03-19An electronic environment of higher education institution (on the example of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University)Morozov, A V; Vakaliuk, T A
2021-03-19E-learning in the present-day context: from the experience of foreign languages department, PSACEATokarieva, A V; Volkova, N P; Degtyariova, Y V; Bobyr, O I
2021-03-19Media technologies and virtual practices in creative approaches to educational training of a social workerPokulyta, I K; Kolotylo, M O
2021-03-19Development of informational and research competence of postgraduate and doctoral students in conditions of digital transformation of science and educationLeshchenko, M P; Kolomiiets, A M; Iatsyshyn, A V; Kovalenko, V V; Dakal, A V; Radchenko, O O
2021-03-19Features of distance learning of cloud technologies for the organization educational process in quarantineVakaliuk, T A; Spirin, O M; Lobanchykova, N M; Martseva, L A; Novitska, I V; Kontsedailo, V V