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Назва: Environmental Competence of the Future Mining Engineer in the Process of the Training
Автори: Morkun, Volodymyr
Моркун, Володимир Станіславович
Моркун, Владимир Станиславович
Semerikov, Serhii
Семеріков, Сергій Олексійович
Семериков, Сергей Алексеевич
Zelinska, Snizhana
Zelinskyi, Serhii
Hryshchenko, Svitlana
Грищенко, Світлана Миколаївна
Грищенко, Светлана Николаевна
Ключові слова: environmental competence
ecological literacy
future mining engineer
Дата публікації: 2017
Видавництво: Medwell Publishing
Бібліографічний опис: Morkun V. S. Environmental Competence of the Future Mining Engineer in the Process of the Training / V. Morkun, S. Semerikov, S. Hryshchenko, S. Zelinska, S. Zelinskyi // The Social Sciences. – 2017. – Vol. 12, issue 11. – P. 2034–2039. – DOI: 10.3923/sscience.2017.2034.2039.
Короткий огляд (реферат): A holistic solution to the problem of formation of ecological competence of the future engineer requires the definition of its content, structure, place in the system of professional competences, levels of forming and criteria of measurement the rationale for the select on and development of a technique of use of information, communication and learning technologies that promote formation of ecological competence. The study is of interest to environmental competence of future mining engineer as personal education, characterized by acquired in the process of professional preparation professionally oriented environmental knowledge (cognitive criterion), learned the ways of securing environmentally safe mining works (praxiological criterion) in the interests of sustainable development (axiological criterion) and is formed by the qualities of socially responsible environmental behavior (social-behavioral criterion) and consists of the following components: understanding and perception of ethical norms of behaviour towards other people and towards nature (the principles of bioethics); ecological literacy; possession of basic information on the ecology necessary for usage in professional activity the ability to use scientific laws and methods in evaluating the environment to participate in environmental works to cany out ecological analysis of activities in the area industrial activities to develop action plans for the reduction of the anthropogenic impact on the environment; ability to ensure environmentally balanced activities, possession of methods of rational and integrated development georesource potential of the subsoil.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://doi.org/10.3923/sscience.2017.2034.2039
ISSN: 1818-5800
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