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Назва: Improvenemt of ore drawing technology and mined iron ore grade in underground mining
Автори: Stupnik, Mykola
Ступнік, Микола Іванович
Ступник, Николай Иванович
Kalinichenko, Vsevolod
Калініченко, Всеволод Олександрович
Калиниченко, Всеволод Александрович
Pochtarev, Alexey
Ключові слова: iron ore
underground mining
праці КНУ
Дата публікації: 2021
Видавництво: UNIVERSITAS Publishing
Бібліографічний опис: Stupnik M. Improvenemt of ore drawing technology and mined iron ore grade in underground mining / M. Stupnik, V. Kalinichenko, A. Pochtarev // Innovative development of resource-saving yechnologies and sustainable use of natural resources : proceeding of the 4rd International scientific and technical conference. – Petroșani, Romania : UNIVERSITAS Publishing, 2021. – Edition 4. – P. 137–139.
Короткий огляд (реферат): Major ore losses and dilution are observed during breaking and subsequent ore drawing. Therefore, this work is devoted to investigation of losses and dilution of broken ore at its drawing from stopes. When drawing broken ore, the largest ore losses remain on the footwall of the ore body [1, 2, 4, 6]. These reserves can sometimes reach 25-30% of the total reserves of the stope. Their extraction requires significant costs for driving additional workings and other technical and technological measures. Again, such additional measures lead to deterioration of the ore grade [1, 2, 6]. Thus, development and improvement of the technology for broken ore drawing, especially from the ore body footwall, is an important task in developing modern technologies of underground mining of rich iron ores.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://ds.knu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/4138
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