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Результати 2571-2580 зі 6229.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2021-07-06Gamification when studying logical operators on the Minecraft EDU platformFedorenko, Elena G.; Kaidan, Nataliia V.; Velychko, Vladyslav Ye.; Soloviev, Vladimir N.
2021-06-30Methodological approaches to the study of mineral resource potential of regionsSyvyj, Myroslav; Mazbayev, Ordenbek; Volik, Olena; Panteleeva, Natalia; Hanchuk, Olena
2021-06-30The region as an object of projecting of neo-spheric existence in the depth of anthroposphereSamodryn, Anatoly; Rybalko, Lina; Lavrentieva, Olena; Zukow, Walery; Sarılgan, Ali Emre
2021-06-30Pedagogical possibilities of tourist and local history activitiesDemeuov, Аrman; Mazbayev, Ordenbek; Aukenova, Gulbanu; Kholoshyn, Ihor; Varfolomyeyeva, Iryna
2021-07-06Analysis of tools for the development of augmented reality technologiesVakaliuk, Tetiana A.; Pochtoviuk, Svitlana I.
2021-06-30Geography of agricultural exports from UkraineKholoshyn, Ihor; Mantulenko, Svitlana; Joyce, Accola Sharon; Sherick, Daniel; Uvaliev, Talgat; Vedmitska, Victoria
2021-06-30Use of GIS technology in geographical educationDemeuov, Аrman; Tilekova, Zhanna; Tokpanov, Yerkin; Hanchuk, Olena; Panteleeva, Natalia; Varfolomyeyeva, Iryna
2021-03-19Implementation of professionally oriented ICT in the process of managers trainingTkachenko, L P; Dolgopol, O O; Zhiglo, O O; Kiryanova, O V; Ivanova, O A
2021-03-19Implementation of adaptive learning at higher education institutions by means of Moodle LMSMorze, N; Varchenko-Trotsenko, L; Terletska, T; Smyrnova-Trybulska, E
2021-06-18Some applications of the GRAN1 to analyze two-dimensional continuous probability distributionsZhaldak, M I; Franchuk, N P