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dc.contributor.authorHirin, V.S.-
dc.contributor.authorHirin, I.V.-
dc.identifier.citationРозвиток промисловості та суспільства : матеріали міжнародної науково-технічної конференції : Tribotechnical components of modern engine oils - advamtages and disadvantages. – Кривий Ріг : Криворізький національний університет, 2020. – 173 с.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractTribotechnical compositions of engine oils are the most controversial in modern automotive chemicals. They are used to increase power, repair minor damage to engine parts, reduce friction, increase fuel economy, increase resources, and reduce vehicular emissions. The positive aspects of such additives are actively advertised by manufacturers. Let us deal with a number of negative points. Mineral additives are harmful by clogging the oil channels. Shaking them before use is recommended and this fact comes to prove once again that the additive contains small solid particles. The use of such additives leads to a marked reduction of the oil pressure when passing through the oil filter. Another point to be raised is that the cylinder has a surface finish called honing in the form of very small lines and permit the grease to remain on the walls of the cylinders. Metal plating additives have the opposite effect because the film of the metal-plating layer disappears and the process of more intensive wear begins.uk_UA
dc.publisherКриворізький національний університетuk_UA
dc.subjectTribotechnical componentsuk_UA
dc.subjectmodern engineuk_UA
dc.titleTribotechnical components of modern engine oils - advamtages and disadvantagesuk_UA
dc.typeBook chapteruk_UA
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