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dc.contributor.authorGolik, Vladimir-
dc.contributor.authorKomaschenko, Vitaliy-
dc.contributor.authorMorkun, Volodymyr-
dc.contributor.authorМоркун, Володимир Станіславович-
dc.contributor.authorМоркун, Владимир Станиславович-
dc.contributor.authorGvozdkova, Tatiana-
dc.identifier.citationThe theory and practice of rock massifs control in the ore mining / V. Golik, V. Komashchenko, V. Morkun, T. Gvozdkova // Metallurgical and Mining Industry. – 2016. – No. 1. – P. 209–212. – References: p. 3–4. – Mode of access: https://bit.ly/33bL0UD.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIt was determined that for the rock deposits the hypothesis of controlling stress-strain protection on the basis of the mechanics of deformable media is more acceptable. It is shown that the optimization of massif control processes is provided by an adequate equivalent ratio between the subjects of mining. It is recommended to ensure the safety of massif by stress minimizing in its parts by dividing deposits in safe sections.uk_UA
dc.publisherНТА «Укрметалурінформ «Науково-технічне агентство» ТОВuk_UA
dc.subjectmining productionuk_UA
dc.subjectmassif separationuk_UA
dc.subjectsafe stctionuk_UA
dc.titleThe theory and practice of rock massifs control in the ore mininguk_UA
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