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dc.contributor.authorMintii, Mykhailo-
dc.identifier.citationMintii M. The course “Development of virtual and AR software” for STEM teachers [Electronic resource] / Mykhailo Mintii // The International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning (ICHTML 2020). Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 13-15, 2020 / Eds. : V. Hamaniuk, S. Semerikov, Y. Shramko // SHS Web of Conferences. – 2020. – Volume 75. – Article 04015. – Access mode : https://www.shs-conferences.org/articles/shsconf/abs/2020/03/shsconf_ichtml_2020_04015/shsconf_ichtml_2020_04015.html. – DOI : 10.1051/shsconf/20207504015uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article looks into the experience of development and using of learning resources for design of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) systems for future STEM teachers. Unity environment for visual design, Visual Studio as a programming environment, platform of VR (Google VR) and AR (Vuforia) were chosen for development of teaching materials. The article describes the content of the created course. The research analyzes the impressions of the course participants. The research data were collected using interviews as the method of qualitative data collection. To conclude, the created course promotes the development of digital competence in the design and use of innovative learning tools.uk_UA
dc.publisherEDP Sciencesuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSHS Web of Conferences;75-
dc.subjectaugmented realityuk_UA
dc.subjectvirtual realityuk_UA
dc.subjectSTEM teachersuk_UA
dc.titleThe course “Development of virtual and AR software” for STEM teachersuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові статті

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