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dc.contributor.authorHotskina, Valentyna-
dc.identifier.citationHotskina V. B. Matlab package usage for building simulation model [Electronic resource] / V. B. Hotskina // Computer Science, Information Technology, Automation (CSITA). – 2017. – Vol. 3, issue 1. – P. 4–11. – DOI: 10.31721/2414-9055.2017.3.1.4. – References: p. 10–11.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractOne of the main objectives of information systems usage is simulation of past / future events with the highest probability value of their occurrence and predicting outcomes. The practical significance of simulation models is not only in the quantitative evaluation, but also it is in illustrative representation of different situations of system behaviour and the possibility of rapid changes of input parameters. Dynamic system software simulation has been known for a long time, but high-speed powerful devices that do not use MATLAB are required for the effective application of the system. Integrating of one of the fastest matrix mathematical systems – MATLAB package Simulink opens up new possibilities of using advanced mathematical methods for solving dynamic and situational modeling of complex systems and devices. The article is devoted to reveal the possibilities of using the MATLAB package Simulink and generalized signal graphs for constructing simulation models as an example of economic processes.uk_UA
dc.publisherВидавництво “CSITA”uk_UA
dc.subjectsimulation modeluk_UA
dc.subject3D- graphicsuk_UA
dc.subjecteconomic processesuk_UA
dc.titleMatlab package usage for building simulation modeluk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові статті

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